During the Great Statue Rebellion, sculptures, effigies, figurines, carvings, bronzes, graven images, busts, heads, etc. from around the world rose up and revolted against pigeons and other fowl that had been defecating on their heads for thousands of years. They even wrote up a “Declaration Of Incontinence” which claimed they had “certain unalienable Rights Of Idolization,” which included the right “to stand majestically on a base in a park, or in front of a government building, without being covered in caca, poo-poo, doo-doo, dung, poop, diarrhea, crap, shit, scat, waste, manure, dumps, droppings, dookies, turds, feces, and excrement.” The rebellion was, of course, a complete failure and pigeons continue to shit in the eyes of heroes everywhere, every day.